The disk space function displays the overall amount of info that you'll be able to have on the cloud hosting server at a time. With a desktop computer, for example, this would be the total size of one hard disk drive or the total volume of all the hard disk drives in the event that your computer has more than just a single one. Exactly as the space on a PC is divided between installed programs, docs, music and so forth, the server disk space is normally divided between site files, databases and emails. Each file, folder and e-mail requires a little space on the server, which means you should consider plenty of factors, not only the size of the files you upload. For example, receiving large e-mail attachments or running a script-driven website where the user-generated content material is saved in a database will also affect the space you use.

Disk Space in Cloud Hosting

To suit the processing effectiveness behind all of our cloud web hosting packages, we've studied and included the best possible alternative for the disk space - your hosting account will not be made on a single server, but on a cluster system. Because of this, what we've assembled is an entire collection of servers which is centered on the file storing only, consequently you should never worry about not having enough space and having to switch to an additional server as your existing one cannot accommodate more data. If more space is needed, we add extra machines to our cluster, so that the hard disk space is inexhaustible. Needless to say, all of our Linux cloud hosting are intended to be employed for websites, not for a database of big files. We also have different machines for all the databases as well as the e-mail messages.

Disk Space in Semi-dedicated Hosting

When you get a semi-dedicated server plan from our firm, you do not need to concern yourself with the disk space that you'll be able to use for the basic reason that the feature is unlimited. In contrast to many other website hosting companies who promise the same service, but set up accounts on just a single machine where only so much hdds can be fitted, we use a revolutionary cloud system which uses groups of servers. Your files will be located on one cluster, your emails on another, the databases on a third one etcetera. Such a system has at least two major advantages - first, the disk storage can never finish as we're able to install more servers to any cluster that requires them, and second, the servers will work much more efficiently because they will take care of just a single type of system processes. A semi-dedicated server plan offers you the freedom to enhance your websites as much as you need.

Disk Space in Dedicated Hosting

The lowest hard disk space available when you use our dedicated servers is 500 gigabytes. You will have 2 hard drives, 250 GB each, and it'll be up to you just how you'll share out this storage space. You can easily have the drives in RAID, therefore all of your information will be secured as one drive will be a real-time mirror of the other, or perhaps you are able to make them work on their own, so as to use the overall storage capacity that is available to you. The hdd space of all of our Linux dedicated servers hosting packages is sufficient for everything - massive virtual stores, data depository portal, individual archive copy, and many other things. We'll never hold back your web sites in terms of the storage space they need. When that they begin expanding, we give you the chance to add additional HDDs to your existing server when required. When you obtain the server with DirectAdmin or cPanel for the hosting Control Panel, you're able to set up a different account for every single hosted domain and set a specific hard disk storage space quota for it. Using Hepsia all domains will be hosted in one place and they'll share the overall server space.