phpMyAdmin in Cloud Hosting
phpMyAdmin is featured as a part of our Linux cloud hosting and you will be able to access it at any time from your Hepsia Control Panel. All databases you set up in the account shall be listed in alphabetical order inside the MySQL Databases section of the CP and all it will take to log in to any of them shall be to click on the little phpMyAdmin icon, that will be on the right side of every database. You won't need to type in any information, since you will be logged in automatically in a new browser tab. If you prefer to sign in manually rather than using the Control Panel, you will be able to do that using our direct phpMyAdmin login page in which you will have to input the database account information. This option is handy if you need to give access to a specific database to a third party, for instance a web designer.
phpMyAdmin in Semi-dedicated Hosting
We provide phpMyAdmin with each semi-dedicated server account as our packages support MySQL-driven Internet sites. The tool is incorporated inside our in-house built Hepsia web hosting CP and if you'd like to modify any database, you simply need to go to the MySQL section and click on the phpMyAdmin icon for a certain database. You shall not need any login credentials due to the fact that you'll be signed in automatically. If you don't want to go through your CP or you want to grant access to any database to another person for some reason, you'll have an alternative option - to visit our phpMyAdmin direct login webpage where our system shall require the database account info. If you hire a website design company, for instance, you can take advantage of this particular option to permit them to work on your Internet site without giving them access to any files, emails or other databases inside the account.